Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a first-timer, our point-and-shoot cameras are your tool to enjoy analog instant photography every day. Explore the differences between the Polaroid Now and the Polaroid OneStep 2 to help find the instant camera that’s right for you.
Both cameras share these features: the point-and-shoot simplicity, a standard lens (0.6m-infinity), self-timer, a flash you can turn on and off, along with a rechargeable battery. They also use i-Type film, which is a new instant film that’s battery free, so it’s a little friendlier on the wallet. Both cameras make it simple to take great Polaroid photos. Deciding between both cameras comes down to taste and the sort of photographs you enjoy taking.
The Polaroid Now is our latest model. It has all the features of the OneStep 2, but with a few extras. The Polaroid Now’s strongest feature is its lens. It has an autofocus 2-lens system, which means it switches between a portrait and landscape lens based on what you are trying to photograph. The OneStep 2, on the other hand, has a fixed focus lens. This means you need to adjust your distance yourself to get your subject in focus for sharp photographs. Another extra with the Polaroid Now is the double exposure feature. Just two taps of the self-timer button and you can capture two moments in the one photograph for greater creative expression.
Outside of features, there’s the design of the cameras. The Polaroid Now has a smooth, rounded shape and comes in the colors of the Polaroid Spectrum, plus black and white. The Polaroid OneStep 2 is inspired by the original OneStep camera from the ‘70s, so it has a retro look and feel.

OneStep 2
Optional flash
USB-rechargeable battery
Lighten/darken slider
Double exposure